Re: Router filtering not enough! (Was: Re: CERT advisory )

Jonathan M. Bresler (jmb@kryten.Atinc.COM)
Thu, 26 Jan 1995 20:48:26 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 27 Jan 1995, Daniel O'Callaghan wrote:
> > > 	another method.  use the arp cache to check source ip addresses 
> > > against physical layer addresses, local net packets coming from the Net 
> > > router, rather then direct from the local machine should be dropped.  
> > > this is also sufficient to protect against the spoofing attack from the Net.
> > 
> > How hard would it be to modify tcpwraper (for example) to check the incomming 
> > MAC address on a connection and to be worried if it came from a list of 
> > routers but the address was the local net?
> Does the arp cache really reflect the MAC address of the arriving 
> packets, or does it only contain the responses to ARP requests?
> If the latter, then consider:
> Since this week it has been demonstrated that it is not necessary for a 
> reply packet to reach the spoofer, it is not necessary for a spoofing 
> machine to respond to arp requests.

	no response, no service.  furthermore, you can cache the arp data 
in a file on your local dns server.  (write a tiny perl script to sit 
around responding to requests, iteratively.  it can also notify you when 
the guy with a pc in the next office decides to start using the wrong ip 
number.  a common problem here, as we bring all the dussss and windoze 
users to the real world)

> Take it a step further... mount a denial of service attack against the 
> machine being spoofed, then forge its ethernet address on outbound 
> packets, and listen in promiscuous mode for the inbound.
> Scarey!
> That said, the tcpwrapper MAC address mods have been on my do list for a 
> while.  It will add to your armour but will not be the be-all and end-all.
> Danny

Jonathan M. Bresler	| Analysis & Technology, Inc.  
						| 2341 Jeff Davis Hwy
play go.					| Arlington, VA 22202
ride bike. hack FreeBSD.--ah the good life	| 703-418-2800 x346